
Our Code of Conduct is simple and applies to all of our wonderful volunteers...

As a Charity we cannot achieve anything without Volunteers. However, we have a duty of care to anyone who supports the Charity and the Volunteers that we rely have a duty to act appropriately.

Volunteer Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct (‘the Code’)

Volunteer is any person or organization that offers support or physically participates in any function, meeting or organized event of the Wadhurst Warriors (the Charity).

At the Wadhurst Warriors our objective is simple.

To organize events for the benefit of the community and the use any proceeds of those activities to directly help members and organizations of the same community.

Our aim is to achieve this in a fun and fully inclusive way, bringing members of the community together in a common purpose for the public benefit.

All members of the community are welcome in providing their time, experience and energy in the support of the Charities objectives.

We care about what we do, and how we do it. This Code of Conduct governs all of us at the Wadhurst Warriors. It sets out the expectations we have of our Volunteers and how they are to behavior in the support of the Charity and where they come into contact with other members of the community.


This Code refers to all volunteers, members and trustees, consultants, and those volunteering their services under our name and legal status as a charity.

Aim and Commitments

We aim to ensure that the organizations and individuals we work with reflect our values, consistent with the Fundamental Principles of the Charity.

The Fundamental Principles of the Charity:

Promote inclusion and welcome people to the community

Act for the benefit of the community

Create an environment where people can support the community in a fun and rewarding way

Create, organize and manage events for the enjoyment of the community

Be respectful and courteous to each other and the wider community

We are committed to creating a safe, inclusive and collaborative environment.

Our Code highlights these key areas, and ensures that we uphold the highest behavioral standards in the support of the Charity activities.

The Code – our expectations of all Members, Volunteers and Trustees

1. We will act consistently with the Fundamental Principles, thereby ensuring that we act in the best interests of the Charity and not take actions that would harm the reputation of the Charity or undermine its purpose.

2. We will at all times Comply with applicable laws of the United Kingdom.

3. We will act ethically. We have a zero tolerance policy towards fraud, bribery and corruption and will take action and report any person believed of carrying out any such activity to the relevant authority.

4. We all as Volunteers will not receive any finical consideration for the work done to support the charity or carrying out is activity. Expenses for materials used in support of the charity or its events that have been purchased with the agreement of the Charity will be fully refunded on production of a valid receipt. Travel cost, fuel cost and any other transport costs will not be reimbursed to the Volunteer. Services are given for free in the support of the Warriors.

5. When Volunteers provide their own vehicle, machinery, tools or equipment (hired or personal) in the support of the Charity and its events , the person operating the vehicle, machinery or tools shall be competent to use that equipment and be responsible for any insurance or permit related to the use of that equipment. The charity will only insure equipment used by volunteers provided by the Charity.

6. We ( the charity and all of its volunteers) will be an inclusive organization. We will respect all people equally. We have a humanitarian, ethical and legal responsibility to celebrate and champion equality and diversity.

7. We have a zero tolerance policy towards harassment, bullying, abuse, discrimination, exploitation or violence.

8. We have a zero tolerance policy towards all forms of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, intimidation, harassment or sexual violence. This includes the distribution of offensive and pornographic material.

9. We will respect the environment around us and not in any way pollute , disturb or destroy any natural habitats that form part of our community in the support of the Charity.

10. We will declare any gifts or hospitality, and to manage any conflicts of interest according to our internal process.

11. We will follow the policies and procedures and the guidance provided . Policies can be found on the website or by applying in writing to the trustees through secretary@wadhurstwarriors.com. Please note, we are all volunteers and a response will be made as soon as practical by the trustees.

Reporting a problem

We all know that we do your best work together and get enjoyment out of the Charity’s activities if we are happy and comfortable in our surroundings, so we (the trustees) take any concerns raised by any Volunteer, Trustee, Member or members of the wider public VERY seriously.

We all have a duty to report concerns or suspicions regarding any inappropriate, violent or dangerous actions by a Volunteer or Member of the Charity

You can

confidentially report any concerns to a trustee of the charity either verbally or via electronic means (email) to the Trustees via secretary@wadhurstwarriors.com

We ( the Trustees) promises to take your complaint seriously and will act quickly and decisively to protect any individual from harm, abuse or harassment of any kind. We promise to act impartially and to take appropriate steps to protect anyone reporting a concern.

We will handle all confidential and sensitive information with the greatest care; especially to protect data relating to people who support the Charity as Volunteers.


Breaches of the Code will be subject to review by the Trustees and the trustees retain the right to suspend anyone from the Charity who is in Beach of the Code.

Any person that is suspended will be asked not to participate in meetings (formal or informal), social events designed to facilitate interaction with other volunteers and members or to support or work at events managed or organized by the Charity with immediate effect.

The trustees may at their discretion, acting reasonably in the interest of the Charity and or to protect any person from harm, abuse or harassment or to prevent the circulation of offensive, harmful or abusive information via any medium controlled by the Charity , without notice take steps to “block” , suspend and or discontinue digital access to the website, chat groups, emails groups, forums or other such platforms to any person or group.

Governing Policy

Breaches will be dealt with under the Safeguarding and the Harassment and Bullying policies.

Updated September 2023

Published on 7-10-23


Help Us

We need you

We need you

Become a Wadhurst Warrior and join our team. If you enjoy putting on events and would like to help raise money for our community or you just want to offer your time to help - we would love you to join us, you also get a lovely orange t-shirt and winter fleece, but more importantly you're part of a team making a difference.