
Helping Hand Grant

Wadhurst Warriors is a registered charity, raising funds to support worthy local causes. The profit we make from community events is given back to the community through Helping Hand Grants.

Our Grant

Could we help you?

Could we help you?

We have supported a wide range of local youth groups and organisations, including Wadhurst Scouts and Guides, Primary School PTA, Youth Drama Group, Uplands PTA, St John's Ambulance and many others. Due to a large number of applications, we regret that we are unable to sponsor individuals with their own fundraising activities.

If you would like to apply for a Helping Hand Grant for your local organisation, or would like to nominate a worthy cause or individual for a grant, complete the form below.

If you would like to be considered for a grant, please complete the form below.

Please provide details of how you would like to use a grant from the Wadhurst Warriors and the amount of money you would like to receive. For guidance, our grants have ranged from £25 to over £1000. If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

Apply for our grant

Applicants will be contacted if any further information is required. Grant applications are reviewed and decided by the trustees on a quarterly basis. These meetings normally take place in January, April, July and October, with applicants notified by email of the oucome after the next meeting.


Who we’ve helped

All profits generated by Wadhurst Warriors events are donated to worthy local causes or larger organisations which support our community.

Recent beneficiaries include:

Wadhurst CE Primary School PTA

Wadhurst Youth Drama Group

Wadhurst Scout & Explorers Group

Wadhurst Guides

Wadhurst Brownies

Wadhurst Rainbows

Wadhurst Netball Club

Wadhurst Twinners

Association Wadhurst Culture

Wadhurst Recreation Group Committee

Wadhurst Junior Football Club

Wadhurst Youth Theatre (WYTKidz)

Sticky Fingers

Uplands Community College (now Uplands Academy) PTA

St Johns Ambulance

Stonegate C.E. Primary School PTA

Hospice in the Weald

Kent Air Ambulance